We’re stuck on Jesus. We don’t ever want to move beyond the true story that God became a human being, then lived perfectly and died sacrificially and was resurrected bodily on behalf of humans. We’re trusting that He’s making all things new. He’s the one hope for humanity. He’s the singular hope for our city. He’s the only real hope for you. And if you’re part of St. Mo’s for long without hearing about this hope and seeing it lived out, then we’ve missed our mark.
God became a human and lived among us, giving us his life. We think that’s a ridiculously compelling model. We want to join Jesus in daringly sharing the best that we have—our faith, our families, our resources—with other people, especially those who aren’t like us. This value inclines us to partner across denominational lines, to seek diversity, to open our lives and homes to each other.
God welcomes us as we are and loves us enough to change us to be more like his son. All our bootstrap efforts to change ourselves are worthless. We require his Spirit. But gradually he does transform us. And as He changes individuals so he can transform families and communities and a city. And that’s reason for hope. If we’re part of St. Mo’s for years without becoming a little more like Jesus, then something’s out of whack.